Hosting WordPress on Google Cloud

Our wordpress website, which is our corporate website, was not only badly in need of a facelift, but it was about time we upgraded to WordPress 5.4. So in this video I’m showcasing our GitOps Platform called AppZ. We are using this platform to deploy our new WordPress 5.4 site onto Google Cloud. The changes and content were tested on a different site for staging on Google Cloud initially, and then on the 20th of July we decided to take it live. So using our GitOps platform, it was simply a one-click deployment. So as you can see in this video, I’m taking the Appz.yaml which controls the deployment and basically editing the URL, to change from test URL to live URL. Simply by saving and committing to Github, our platform Appz builds the docker image and deploys the new website to Google Cloud under the Manage Kubernetes platform within Google Cloud called GKE.

About The Author

Rejith Krishnan

CEO & Co-founder of CloudControl. Rejith has more than 28 years of experience as a senior FinTech executive specializing in cloud technology automation. Prior to founding CloudControl, Rejith spent 10 years at State Street Corporation as a Senior Architect where he was instrumental in the creation and deployment of State Street’s The Digital Enterprise (TDE). TDE also won multiple awards for an enterprise private cloud platform and Rejith was a coauthor of the patent State Street Corporation was awarded for this initiative.

About Cloud Control

Cloud Control simplifies cloud management with AppZ, DataZ, and ManageZ, optimizing operations, enhancing security, and accelerating time-to-market. We help businesses achieve cloud goals efficiently and reliably.

Convergence India Expo
19th – 21st March

New Delhi, India