Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a relational database service that makes it easier to set up, operate, manage and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud. This article will help you to create RDS-MSSQL in AWS Cloud with CloudFormation and Ansible.



AWS CloudFormation is a simple way to create and manage a collection of AWS resources by provisioning and predictably updating them. For instance, we usually do manual work in the AWS console to create or delete resources

What if,

               –    We need to create the same resource in another region

               –    In another AWS Account 

               –    And everything got messed up or deleted accidentally.

We are going to make a declarative way of defining the infrastructure. CloudFormation uses the template as input which can be a YAML or JSON file.

The building blocks of the CloudFormation template are,

  • Resources: Your AWS resources declared in the template (mandatory) 
  • Parameters: The dynamic input for your template
  • Mappings: The static variable for your template
  • Outputs: Reference to what has been created
  • Conditionals: List of condition to perform resource creation


Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool enabling infrastructure as code. We will run a cloud formation template using Ansible’s CloudFormation module instead of AWS CLI.


It is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services. It is a web service running “in the cloud” designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use. 


  1. One Ubuntu 18.04 server with ansible server setup.
  2. An AWS account access (programmatic access) with required privileges.


Step 1 – Create CloudFormation template

A template is a declaration of the AWS resources that make up a stack. The template is stored as a text file whose format complies with the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or YAML standard. A sample template named cloudformation.j2 can be found below.

Inside cloudformation.yaml.j2, define dynamic resource names as parameters.  The resource section with reference to the parameters will read values from the environment.


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Cloudformation template in Brief

  • Resource: In the resources section, give a resource name (eg: MyDB ) as in the above file. In the case of RDS add another resource (eg: SGBaseIngress) which is the firewall ingress rule. This will act as a firewall for our Database instance to get access from the Internet.
  • Properties: Here we define properties for the DB  that will refer to values provided as environment variables. The important attributes are
  1. AllocatedStorage: Allocated storage is the total size allocated for the DB
  2. Engine: which type of SQL service we need to use. Some of the valid values of Engine are:
    • Aurora (for MySQL 5.6-compatible Aurora)
    • Aurora-MySQL (for MySQL 5.7-compatible Aurora)
    • Aurora-PostgreSQL
    • MariaDB
    • MySQL
    • Oracle-EE
    • Oracle-SE2
    • Oracle-SE1
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLServer-EE
  1.  DBInstanceClass: Check AWS documentation for supported instance class for your specific engine here. We use instance class as db.t3.xlarge, for engine SQLServer-SE
  2. MultiAZ: This field is for High Availability across multiple Availability Zone in AWS Region
  1. Publicly Accessible: This value should be true to make dB accessible to the internet
  1. StorageType: Specifies the storage type to be associated with the DB instance.

Step 2 – Set up Ansible server

Run the following commands to enable AWS support for the Ansible server.

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Step 3 – Create an Ansible playbook.

Create a file named play.yaml and copy the following contents in it.

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– Here lookup option is used to fetch cloudformation.yaml.j2 and Environment variables for the playbook

Step 4 – Set up environment variables and run playbook

Create a file named and copy all the environment variables needed. At the end of the script, add the ansible add-hoc command to run the playbook.

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Execute, you will get the output as below.

PLAY [playbook for running aws_cft_rds] ****************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []
TASK [task for aws_cft_rds] ****************************************************
TASK [aws_cft_rds : Run my CloudFormation stack] *******************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=2    changed=1   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0    rescued=0    

Step 5 – Check the output.

Login to AWS console and navigate to Cloud formation stacks, you can see the resources getting created

Cloud formation Console:

Step 6 – Cleaning the infrastructure.

If you want the created resources to be deleted below is the ansible-playbook 


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Run the “ansible-playbook cleanup.yaml” command to execute cleanup.

You will get the output as below.

PLAY [Removing "MyRDSStack" ]
TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: [localhost]
TASK [delete a stack]
changed: [localhost]
localhost : ok=2  changed=1   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0    

Login to AWS console and navigate to Cloud formation stacks and in Cloud formation Console and confirm the output.

File structure


Here we have created RDS-MSSQL DB in AWS Cloud with CloudFormation and Ansible. We have our infrastructure as code and can use it to delete and spin up the entire infrastructure easily. I hope it benefits you.


About The Author

A. Nagesh

Head of Delivery | Cloud Control

Head of Delivery with more than five years of experience in supporting, automating, and optimizing deployments to hybrid cloud platforms using DevOps processes, CI/CD, containers and Kubernetes in both Production and Development environments

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