Learn to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in 30 minutes using KubeAdm


Create 3 VMs with 2 core 8 GB and 10-100 GB HDD

1. Docker set up in master and nodes

1a. Login into master and update your existing list of packages  

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1b. Install the prerequisite packages which let apt to use packages over HTTPS 

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1c. Add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system  

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1d. Add the Docker repository to APT sources   

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1e. Update the packages with the Docker packages from the newly added repo

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1f. Make sure you are about to install from the Docker repo

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1g. Run the following command to install Docker   

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1h. Run the following command to check if the docker is running   

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1i. To avoid sudo requirement in executing the docker command, add your user to docker group   

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1j. To apply the new group membership, run the following command   

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You will be prompted to enter your user password to continue

1k. Confirm that your user is now added to the docker group by typing  

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Repeat the above steps for both the nodes.

2. Kubernetes master set up

2a. Login to the master and install kubelet, kubeadm and kubectl

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2b. Initialise kubeadm

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Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!

2c. To start using your cluster, you need to run the following command as a regular user:  

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Copy the join command and make a note of it.

For example:

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2d. Set up Flannel

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2e. Verify the creation of the master in the cluster.

$ kubectl get nodes
ip-XX-X-X-XXX   Ready    master   3m53s   v1.18.15

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE    NAME                                   READY STATUS  RESTART AGE
kube-system  coredns-54ff9cd656-ww6sw               1/1   Running 0       4m2s
kube-system  coredns-54ff9cd656-xlrdr               1/1   Running 0       4m2s
kube-system  etcd-ip-XX-X-X-XXX                     1/1   Running 0       2m59s
kube-system  kube-apiserver-ip-XX-X-X-XXX           1/1   Running 0       3m11s
kube-system  kube-controller-manager-ip-XX-X-X-XXX  1/1   Running 0       3m15s
kube-system  kube-flannel-ds-amd64-4rl8d            1/1   Running 0       45s
kube-system  kube-proxy-jpp7w                       1/1   Running 0       4m2s
kube-system  kube-scheduler-ip-XX-X-X-XXX           1/1   Running 0       3m23s

3. Kubernetes node set up

3a. Login into node 1 and install kubelet, kubeadm and kubectl

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3b. Join cluster from the command copied above in the master.

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This node has joined the cluster:

Repeat the steps for node 2.

4. Verify creation of nodes in cluster.
Login into master and verify the cluster

$ kubectl get nodes

NAME            STATUS     ROLES    AGE       VERSION
ip-XX-X-X-XXX   Ready               105m      v1.18.15
ip-XXX-X-X-XX   Ready      master   123m      v1.18.15
ip-XX-X-X-XX    Ready               111m      v1.18.15

4. Deploying the nginx with nodeport service

Use the following yaml for deploying nginx with nodeport service to test the cluster

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4.Test the deployment

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About The Author

A. Nagesh

SR Cloud Dev-Ops Engineer | Cloud Control

Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer with more than five years of experience in supporting, automating, and optimizing deployments to hybrid cloud platforms using DevOps processes, CI/CD, containers and Kubernetes in both Production and Development environments

About Cloud Control

Cloud Control simplifies cloud management with AppZ, DataZ, and ManageZ, optimizing operations, enhancing security, and accelerating time-to-market. We help businesses achieve cloud goals efficiently and reliably.

14-18 October

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