Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform for container orchestration — for managing applications built from multiple, largely self-contained runtimes called containers. It was first published by Google in 2015 and is now controlled by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Since its inception, it has become a mass phenomenon. The automation capabilities of Kubernetes are a crucial factor in its success as a service. For example, Kubernetes may automatically update the settings of existing containers and deploy new containers based on metrics it monitors or requests from engineers (auto-scaling/auto-healing). This has the extra benefit of saving time, eliminating toil, increasing availability, resiliency and uniformity. The aforementioned Kubernetes benefits intersect with SRE principles.

SRE is a discipline and profession that includes software engineering principles and applies them to infrastructure and operation concerns to construct scalable and dependable distributed software systems. SRE develops a culture of constantly upgrading the services and systems that support production to assure service continuity, stability, and scalability. Kubernetes capabilities will complement the culture, inspiring all sorts of stakeholders.

Businesses whose success is increasingly dependent on their ability to swiftly offer digital services and software mainly employ containers with Kubernetes to create, deploy, and operate applications at scale. Kubernetes enables enterprises to achieve next-level performance, quicker delivery of new innovative software and services, and multi-cloud operations for more agility and resilience. In addition, containers and Kubernetes provide self-service infrastructures that allow enterprises to access resources whenever they need them. This will help businesses enhance productivity, deployment speed, collaboration, feedback, and recovery.

Cloud Control Solutions’ Appz-Low Touch cloud migration and administration platform provides businesses with innovative SRE-on-KUBERNETES services that can reduce your cloud TCO by up to 30%. In addition, CCS uses a managed services approach to provide Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) support and services to our customers.

At Cloud Control, we deliver SRE services ranging from basic to enterprise, including DevOps, CloudOps, observability stacks, monitoring, alerts/incidents management, patching, upgrading, performance monitoring and optimization, cloud bill review and optimization, and more.

Our SRE-on-Kubernetes features:

  • 24/7 support
  • Manage Multiple Cluster
  • On-board applications
  • CI/CD
  • Observability
  • Approval workflow
  • Back up 
  • Disaster Recovery
  • SECRET and CERT Management

AppZ SRE ensures that applications and environments are always stable and scalable, resulting in hassle-free operations.

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About The Author

Rejith Krishnan

Rejith Krishnan is the co-founder and CEO of CloudControl, a startup that provides SRE-as-a-Service. He’s also a thought leader and Kubernetes evangelist who loves to code in Python. When he’s not working or spending time with his two boys, Rejith enjoys hiking in the New England outdoors, biking, kayaking, and playing tennis.

About Cloud Control

Cloud Control simplifies cloud management with AppZ, DataZ, and ManageZ, optimizing operations, enhancing security, and accelerating time-to-market. We help businesses achieve cloud goals efficiently and reliably.

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