As new technologies emerge, the usage of cloud software to build, deploy, and manage software applications on cloud infrastructure has become vital for software development and deployment. The era of cloud-native apps is here! Because of the rising demands for microservices-based applications and their demand for high availability, scalability, and resiliency, cloud-native technologies have become very vital for any software development and deployment. 

Container adoption is ever increasing. Enterprises are moving their workloads from physical machines or VMs to Containers for better resource utilization, portability, and efficiency. However, managing multiple containers in a multi/hybrid-cloud environment is not very simple. Kubernetes is the de-facto container orchestration framework in the industry today to manage containers effectively. Your business application needs and objectives determine the ideal Kubernetes architecture for your organizations. Kubernetes is a Cloud-Native technology since it has traits and attributes similar to cloud applications. However, the Cloud-Native idea does not neglect the use of on-premises infrastructure, and it is equally desirable to run Kubernetes deployments on-premises.


Cloud-Native is a new approach to developing and executing software applications that makes use of cloud computing’s flexibility, scalability, and elasticity. Cloud-native incorporates various tools and technologies for developing apps for both public and private data centers. Cloud-native is more than just signing up for cloud services and launching applications. It may have an impact on the apps’ design, implementation, deployment, and functionality. In this fast-paced technological era, the concept of cloud-native is constantly evolving as new tools are developed and new practices are implemented.

The creation and deployment of some applications necessitate the usage of cloud-based technologies. GitOps, DevOps, agile approaches, cloud platforms, containers, and orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes and continuous delivery are all examples of cloud-native apps. In addition, in cloud-native apps, microservices architecture is widely employed. 


Cloud-Native Application Platforms are divided into two categories: organized platforms and unstructured platforms.

  • Structured platforms: In order to address the shortcomings of PaaS, the corporations will develop some open projects. These are the organized platforms that can compensate for the PaaS flaws.
  • Unstructured platforms: Many businesses use cloud-based and native tools to create their own platforms. And these ad hoc technologies will begin to give way to semi-structured platforms. Netflix, Airbnb, and Pinterest are just a few examples of well-known services that make use of unstructured platforms.


Cloud-Native Applications are designed to take advantage of the cloud’s speed and efficiency. You can leverage Cloud-Native Applications in a variety of ways, including:

  • Agility and productivity: Suppose your company wishes to test and deploy new code quickly. In that case, you can use completely automated Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery Pipelines (CICD), and some GitOps and DevOps best practices.
  • Flexibility: Public cloud companies offer excellent services at a low cost to businesses. Businesses can design applications that function on any public or private cloud without modifying them if they use a platform that enables cloud-native development.
  • Manageability: Cloud-Native Applications are used to update and deploy the applications. The developers can keep track of the updated microservices and components.
  • Reliable and visible: Because cloud-based applications employ containers, if one of the microservices fails, it will have no impact on the other services. It will also make it easier for engineering teams to study apps and learn about their functions. Because a microservice design isolates the services, this is possible.


Kubernetes, often known as “K8s” or “Kube,” is a container orchestration technology that is open source. They have the ability to provide a complete platform for automating the tedious process of deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. Kubernetes combines the ease of Platforms as a Service (PaaS) with the flexibility of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), allowing for portability between infrastructure providers. Google, one of the first contributors to Linux container technology, created and built Kubernetes. The names Kubernetes and Docker are sometimes used interchangeably. This is because they complement each other when it comes to operating containerized apps. Docker allows you to put everything you need to execute your program in a box that you can store and open whenever you need it. Kubernetes will transport and deliver the boxes in a secure manner to the sites where they will be used. One of Kubernetes‘ most appealing features is that it can be utilized without Docker. Kubernetes uses Docker to deliver, manage, and scale applications in containers.


Kubernetes makes it possible to build programs that can be controlled and deployed anywhere. Kubernetes offers a variety of ways to fit your requirements. The following are some of the most common Kubernetes use cases:

1. Enhancing development velocity

Kubernetes assists with developing cloud-native microservices-based programs and allows for containerizing of existing apps, allowing for speedier app development.

2. Application deployment

Kubernetes is designed to be utilized everywhere, allowing applications to run on-premises, in public clouds, or in a hybrid environment.

3. Elasticity

Kubernetes provides the flexibility to alter the cluster size required to execute a service, allowing you to scale up and run applications effectively on demand.

4. Multi/Hybrid cloud

Kubernetes offers a multi-cloud capability, which means that any application can run on any public cloud provider, private cloud service, or a combination of both.

5. A quicker time to market

As Kubernetes aids in the splitting of development teams into smaller units, allowing them to focus on single, targeted, smaller microservices, allowing smaller teams to be more agile.

6. IT cost optimization

When a company operates on a large scale, Kubernetes/Containers can help them save money on infrastructure by optimizing it. For example, containers eliminate white spaces and increase resource utilization, which is usually a problem with statically allocated resources in VMs.

7. Effective cloud migration

Kubernetes can handle rehosting, re-platforming, refactoring, and assisting in the systematic and effective migration of an application to the cloud.


The following are some of the most well-known benefits of Kubernetes platforms:

1. Portability

Containers can be moved between a variety of platforms, including virtual and physical environments, using this program. Kubernetes supports all of the leading public clouds so that you can execute your containerized K8s apps on different platforms.

2. Integration and extensibility

Kubernetes is compatible with all of the projects you’re working on (logging, monitoring, altering services). With Kubernetes, you can also construct a diverse and rapidly developing ecosystem that works with several open-source apps.

3. Automated operations

Kubernetes is capable of handling application management, allowing you to automate your daily tasks. In addition, this platform ensures that all of the applications work smoothly.

4. Productivity boost

Kubernetes implementation done correctly might result in increased productivity for your company. You may easily create software solutions using the same tools that the Kubernetes platform provides.

5. Cost-effective

Kubernetes’ capabilities, including resource optimization, automated scaling, and flexibility, provide the best value for money, ensuring that all costs are kept to a minimum.

6. Talent acquisition

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019, Kubernetes is the third most desired platform. When used in conjunction with other Cloud Native products and with an effective workflow, your technology can attract top talent.

7. Service health monitoring

Kubernetes can perform health checks on your services, restarting any failed or stalled containers and making the services available to users once they have been proven to be running (called auto-healing).

8. Stability

Because Kubernetes assists in dividing development teams into smaller units, allowing them to focus on single, targeted, smaller microservices, the smaller team can be more nimble.


Kubernetes has recently emerged as a critical component of modern software development. Because most businesses have been transformed by digitalization, they require ongoing improvement and expansion. This was made possible by the advent of Cloud-Native Technologies and Kubernetes, which provide the automation and observability needed to manage all apps at the same time and with the same efficiency. It has also given employees more autonomy and productivity, resulting in lower employee turnover. The Kubernetes platform has enabled the adoption of new technology such as machine learning, edge computing, and IoT.

Kubernetes has established a new de-facto container orchestration standard. With Kubernetes in mind, more and more Kubernetes native technologies, tools, and interfaces are getting created. If an enterprise needs hybrid cloud application systems, Kubernetes Native App development is one of the best choices. Kubernetes native can handle all of this. The following are some of the advantages of Kubernetes in cloud development:

  • Service discovery and load balancing: Kubernetes can examine what a container utilizes based on its IP address and DNS name.
  • Real-time app delivery: Businesses can use containers with automated container management, the simplest approach to streamline cloud-based application development and deployment practices. Compared to Virtual Machines, these containers offer developers a convenient code package with various options and benefits. In addition, containers are smaller, faster to launch, and more pleasant for developers in the development process than virtual machines.
  • Reduced time and effort: Kubernetes, an open-source cloud-native container orchestration system, can minimize the time and effort required to provision, configure, manage, and decommission infrastructure resources. The enterprise can achieve continuous integration, automated unit testing, and zero downtime delivery by automating the code pushes.
  • Innovation and growth: The Kubernetes-controlled container-based architecture enables the firm to move away from costly infrastructure and focus on producing innovative software. The same system is then used to monitor container resource usage and health and restart and add additional containers as needed.


Kubernetes can run on any platform thanks to cloud-native technologies. Businesses may now design and run Cloud-Native Applications anywhere (data center, hybrid, public or private). Kubernetes has now established itself as a critical and dominating component of the cloud-native architectural paradigm.

About the Author

Simmi Xavier

Project Manager, Cloud Control
IT professional with more than two decades in the industry. Experience in different domains and technologies.

About Cloud Control

Cloud Control simplifies cloud management with AppZ, DataZ, and ManageZ, optimizing operations, enhancing security, and accelerating time-to-market. We help businesses achieve cloud goals efficiently and reliably.

14-18 October

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